Curbside Delivery Service Available

Curbside Service graphic

The Library continues to offer Curbside Delivery service to our patrons.

Phone requests for Curbside Delivery can be made during our normal operating hours by phoning 740.446.7323. 

After requests have been made, library staff members will fill those requests, subject to availability. Please give the staff members at least 30 to 45 minutes to gather items together. Once this is complete, patrons will receive a call notification as to when their materials will be ready to be picked up. 

To pick up items, patrons will come to the Library's parking lot and park in the designated curbside delivery parking spot. They will then need to phone the Library so that the materials can be delivered to their vehicle.

Patrons will need to show their photo ID and library card via their window and then pop open their trunk for items to be placed inside. Once the staff member has returned to the building, patrons can then close their automobile trunk.

Please keep in mind that patrons will be able to request a limited number of items for curbside delivery.

For information regarding this and other services and programs that the Library offers, please feel free to contact us at 740.446.7323 or

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